Rpf Rule 153 in Hindi

50. Failure to comply with the rules established in railway activities results in ___,.._ ___. and…………. 40. Under what rule of the 1966 Railway Service Rule of Conduct will a railway agent not seek to exert political or other pressure on a senior officer for his or her service interests? S. 95. a person appointed as a member of the force normally serves for a period of …………. years and section 58. 88.The Director-General shall have the power to ………. under the rule ………. by RPF Rues, 1987, 80.Central Crime Bureau (CCB) is located in the office of ……………. 51.

What RPF rule deals with the provision of confidential reports? C. In a hypothetical or imaginary situation in a railway area such as a railway line, railway bridges, railway site, station, etc. 45.All members of the force must immediately ………….. and all orders ……………. issued by the higher authority. . 73. The leader acts as a father figure in.. Leadership. 12. ——– in the workshop is the procedural aspect of basic safety precautions. 76.

The imprisonment of a registered member of the Force in premises, barracks, lines or camps shall be deemed to be …….. 79. You must have seen advertising for `mobile broadband internet` with the term 57. The lack of resealed wagons, if it occurs outside the responsibility of the post office, is in …. 74. Direct rays of sunlight appear on the equator: (A). a. Employees can also access their service book in digital form via the mobile app.

22. Is a constable entitled to how many days of occasional leave in a year? 96. At the end of the investigation into a case U/s 3 (a) of the RP Act (UP), the complaint is filed with the court U/s……….. 97…………… . The number of years is the maximum prison sentence required under the RP(UP) Act. 83. In communication, the misuse of language constitutes an obstacle of__________. 15) OOOOO + OOOOO + OOOOO + OOOOO + OOOOO is the same as: 26. The hippocampus and the nervous system deal with the psychology of ? 96. In time management, tasks in group C are called ____ &_____.

2. . . . . is intended to prevent the theft of wagons with bleeding consignments. 15. What personality trait do some people listen to their conscience with and act accordingly? 38. The distance that remains between the margin and the beginning of a paragraph is called 50. The Indian Space Research Organization is located at (A) 141.

A confession recorded by the RPF officer during the INVESTIGATION OF THE RP (UP) LAW is ….. as evidence. 91. The Hall sign of ___________is the ability to influence the succession of others. 85.As according to the rules of the RPF of 1987, the executive consists of …………. Wing. It`s you…………… and…….. 26. A confession to an RPF officer who is dealing with a case under the PR Act (UP) is …….

as evidence. 74. ……………. is a usual pattern of absence from service or obligation.92 Which tab enables/disables synchronous scrolling between two documents? 47. A feature that displays only the data in the column(s) according to certain criteria d) President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister 109. Information received regarding the transportation of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances will be recorded in writing in accordance with section ____ of the NDPS Act. 41.GM a zone railway has the power of …………………….. the RPF in a railway area. 68. The arrest warrant shall remain in force until it is revoked or revoked by the court.

43. In the ……………. Days may be granted against penal orders issued under Article .. have been lodged, appeals are being brought. of the RPF Act. 2. The RP(UP) Law applies to the ………….. From India.

Article 57 ………. of the RPF law writes …………………….. One month in prison or ……………. or both for wilful negligence or refusal to provide a certificate of appointment. 16. What does this mean for how to optimize and make optimal use of these limited or scarce resources to achieve the organization`s goals and objectives? 6. Violations of the RP(UP) Act are ……………. 106.

…………….. A fine is imposed on the second offender. 23. The first Indian to win the Nobel Prize for his ”Geetanjali” collection? 99. On which continent is the ”Sahara Desert” located? (D) The guidelines state that passengers in railway rooms must properly wear masks, comply with social distancing standards, not come to railway premises or board the train if they receive a positive corona test or must not board the train during the suspension of the test report if the health team is not allowed to travel to the station. The guidelines state that action will be taken in case of violation of all these things. Don`t hurt them, follow them. 29. .

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