Venue Promoter Agreement

I ALWAYS receive a deposit (unless it is a school). My performance contract states that the deposit records the date (another reason for them to receive the deposit for me as soon as possible) and locks us both in (which prevents me from switching to a more lucrative offer). In general, I teach history. Or rather, we help lifelong learners use history to connect the past to their daily lives. It means teaching history that people may not know, like how a merchant, playwright, and spy saved the American Revolution, or Five Fools Who Were Right From the Beginning, or something else related to American history, but people don`t always make the connection. The technical issue has recently become important – I recently lost a job where I expected to have a DVD player available when I arrived, and no one knew it was needed or how to use it. I always have this conversation when I write the concert – the conversation is: So, what kind of audiovisual equipment do you have? If there`s a question about what I mean, I ask them, ”Do you have a DVD player with remote control or do you have a screen?” If there is any hesitation, I go to the screen. I bring the laptop, projector and speaker (I have an old projector, a bit clunky) and a 30 lb Roland speaker that I take with me. No one ever complains about the sound quality now – it was a problem when I was using bookending speakers, but never since the Roland.

I also carry a microphone, a tablet for my notes, and a screen if the place doesn`t have one. DVDs work better for me because I don`t need all these devices and people can watch the DVD on a TV screen instead of having to turn off the lights. Especially in some retirement homes, the lights must stay on. I think your idea of charging the full price for shows where I would show up and the equipment isn`t as expected is a good one (a good idea, really) I`ve been trying to figure out how to put this in a way that doesn`t seem as harsh as I think. On the other hand, it`s a business (although I love it!) and some things have to happen in a certain way for it to be a successful show. Thank you for your thoughts. Community events, festivals, libraries, historical societies and other public performances – I use contracts in this case; Two signed copies are sent to the organization that booked me, and they sign one and send it back to me. I don`t need a deposit (too much to follow and a hassle for the venue), but I do have a cancellation policy (see below). Hi Dave, Interesting topic. I`ve been playing professionally for over 30 years and I have a basic contract that I use that covers pretty much everything you mentioned above. One thing I add in my rider is when the room delivers sound and a man of sound or I deliver sound. I play all kinds of concerts: retirement homes, library programs, theaters, schools, festivals, listening halls, (more bars), etc.

I pride myself on working on time and easily. I think theaters, festivals, and libraries generally like contracts. I think it gives them something official for their files and they feel like they`re covered themselves. Retirement homes and schools usually don`t require contracts from me. In addition, in the email correspondence from beginning to end when booking the concert, most of the details of the performance are recorded there and confirm the concert. Usually, a week before a performance, they or I send a reminder/confirmation that we are still in place for the respective date of the performance. Overall, I don`t think a contract can hurt just to have something official on paper to avoid problems. Thank you for letting me listen, Dave. This live performance agreement is used by a promoter or venue to enter into a contract with an artist performing live at a concert produced by the promoter or venue. It is a simple contract used for small shows by local or regional artists. This booking agent contract (for a club or promoter) is used by a music venue, para. B example a club or concert promoter, to enter into contracts with a person who reserves the venue or who is looking for an artist to play a particular show or music festival.

I don`t usually use contracts for concerts under $500.00. I have never encountered any problems. For large events and festivals, I also use a formal technical list that deals with the configuration of the venue, properly grounded outlets, a green room or tent for artists, etc. This is covered and discussed weeks in advance, so there are no surprises or misunderstandings. The engineer services contract is used when a concert promoter hires a sound engineer to exploit the sound engineering of a concert. This contract does not contain any conditions for the engineer to provide the sound engineering. SPECIAL NOTES: Confirmed with (name) on (date) – thank you (name)! Please sign a copy and send it back to me to save the date. Concert posters, artist photos, press releases and other promotional materials can be downloaded from (I will also include here any other notes I need on the day of the concert, such as.B. Information about who provides the sound system, indoors or outdoors, ”the venue is celebrating its 100th anniversary,” or ”funding is provided by XYZ Local Corporation.”) Our concert production contracts are used by concert promoters, musicians, booking agents and more. Get a concert production contract for your next event now. Danny would surely no longer do business with this place.

And I think there`s a moment when you say that I appreciate what I do and myself enough not to stay in a bad relationship, whether it`s business, personal or whatever. On the other hand, he was touring and wasn`t a guy who necessarily played a lot in the city and in the area. Dave, what about registration fees? Have a friend who has been annoyed by his recordings of a room owner. He says he first dove into all the images on the recorder before he could publish them himself. There does not appear to be any prior agreement. I`m not sure how much power a place has over other people`s images and intellectual property when it was filmed in their room. This makes me wonder, should I continue to make bars without a contract? It has worked so far, except for one place that booked a group I was in for Memorial Day weekend and then tried to cancel because the owner didn`t know it was Memorial Day weekend. We strongly encouraged him to stick to the commitment and see how we did it, and in the end, he was very satisfied. We then booked a date in July with him, so he canceled for less than 2 weeks because he ordered ultimate fights or mixed martial arts on TVs for that night.. .